Equilibrium barium isotope fractionation between minerals and aqueous solution from first-principles calculations

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta(2021)

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Barium isotopes could be a novel tracer in low-temperature geochemical processes such as the Ba cycle in rivers and oceans. Equilibrium Ba isotope fractionation between Ba-hosting minerals and aqueous solution is of great importance for the applications of Ba isotopes in geochemistry, but it remains poorly constrained. In this study, we performed first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) to determine the equilibrium Ba isotope fractionation between minerals and aqueous solution (103lnαmineral-Ba_aq of 137Ba/134Ba). The structural properties of aqueous Ba2+ are well predicted by the first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) simulation and 121 snapshots are extracted from FPMD trajectories to estimate the reduced partition function ratio (β factor or 103lnβ of 137Ba/134Ba) of aqueous Ba2+. The 103lnβ decreases in the sequence of aragonite > calcite > aqueous Ba2+ ∼ witherite > barite. The β factor is dominantly determined by the force constant, which is affected by both the average BaO bond length and the coordination number.
Ba isotopes,Equilibrium fractionation,Density functional theory,First-principles molecular dynamics simulations,Ba cycle,Barite,Carbonates
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