Pulsed studies of intervalley transfer in Al 0.35 In 0.65 As : A paradigm for valley photovoltaics

Physical Review Materials(2020)

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Al0.35In0.65As is a direct semiconductor whose multivalley conduction-band structure has been proposed for use in so-called valley photovoltaics. In such hot-carrier solar cells, energetic (hot) photocarriers are stored in satellite valleys away from the Gamma point, allowing them to be extracted prior to thermalization and to thereby increase power-conversion efficiency. While prior theoretical work has highlighted the potential of Al0.35In0.65As-a widely used barrier material in electronic and optoelectronic devices, for use in valley photovoltaics-surprisingly little is known about its electrical properties, especially how these are impacted by the application of high fields. In this work, we therefore undertake a detailed characterization of the electrical properties of Te-doped (n-type) Al0.35In0.65As, over wide ranges of temperature (3-400 K) and electric field (<50 kV/cm). Using pulsed measurements to suppress the influence of Joule heating, we reveal the presence of clear negative-differential conductance in the current-voltage characteristics of the films, suggestive of the intervalley transfer of hot electrons. This conclusion is supported by the results of ensemble Monte Carlo simulations of the hot-carrier action, which confirm the connection of the observed negative-differential conductance to hot-electron transfer from the conduction-band (Gamma) minimum, to the side valleys at the L point. The quantitative features of the experimentally determined velocity-field curves are found to be in good agreement with the results of these calculations, providing further confidence in the role of the implied intervalley transfer mechanism. Overall, these results confirm the excellent potential of Al0.35In0.65As for use as the absorber material in hot-carrier solar cell technology.
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