Realtime Interactive Hybrid 2D and 3D Visual Analytics on Large High Resolution Display and Immersive Virtual Environment

2018 IEEE 11th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Real-time Interactive Systems (SEARIS)(2018)

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We present a data-flow-oriented scalable and extensible visualization system for supporting hybrid 2D and 3D visual analytics. Our application allows users to visually analyze the results of a complex multivariate Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation outputs variables describing various properties of 3D objects interacting in a dynamic 3D environment. Our system uses 2D charting tools to visualize the statistical relationships between simulation variables. We developed a Unity application to animate the 3D simulation in a virtual environment showing the time-varying results of the dynamics in a 3D environment. The Unity application runs on both a 2D high resolution display system and a complete-immersive Head Mounted Display device. The 2D visualization framework running on our Large High-Resolution Display system supports multiple coordinated views across all the 2D and 3D visualization components. Preliminary results show our data-centric design provides a user-centric visualization tool that can greatly enhance the analytical process and speed up the derivation of insights from data.
Human-centered computing,Visualization application domains,Visual Analytics
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