A preliminary study on using acceptance tests for representing business requirements of smart contracts

2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)(2020)

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In this work, we address the following question: "Which acceptance testing techniques are being used for representing business requirements of smart contracts?" To answer this question we performed a systematic mapping to determine whether acceptance tests for smart contracts and blockchain are being utilized to represent requirements and which acceptance testing techniques are being applied. This systematic mapping shows that, in fact, acceptance testing techniques are still not commonly used to represent the business requirements of smart contracts. We only found two studies using acceptance testing techniques with smart contracts. Moreover, only one of them uses an acceptance testing technique, the BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) notation, to represent the business requirements. In order to confirm that it is possible to represent business requirements of smart contracts, we developed an example that uses the BDD notation to represent requirements of a smart contract deployed in the Hyperledger blockchain. Preliminary results show that it is possible to use acceptance tests to represent business requirements.
acceptance testing,acceptance test,smart contract,business requirement,blockchain
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