Angular clustering and host halo properties of [O II] emitters at z > 1 in the Subaru HSC survey


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We study the angular correlation function of star-forming galaxies and properties of their host dark matter halos at z > 1 using the Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) Subaru Stragetic Program (SSP) survey. We use [O II] emitters identified using two narrow-band (NB) filters, NB816 and NB921, in the Deep/UltraDeep layers, which respectively cover large angular areas of 16.3 deg(2) and 16.9 deg(2). Our sample contains 8302 and 9578 [O II] emitters at z = 1.19 (NB816) and z = 1.47 (NB921), respectively. We detect a strong clustering signal over a wide angular range, 0.degrees 001 < theta < 1 degrees, with bias b = 1.61(-0.11)(+0.13) (z = 1.19) and b = 2.09(-0.15)(+0.17) (z = 1.47). We also find a clear deviation of the correlation from a simple power-law form. To interpret the measured clustering signal, we adopt a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model that is constructed to explain the spatial distribution of galaxies selected by star formation rate. The observed correlation function and number density are simultaneously explained by the best-fitting HOD model. From the constrained HOD model, the average mass of halos hosting the [O II] emitters is derived to be log M-eff/(h(-1) M-circle dot) = 12.70(-0.07)(+0.09) and 12.61(-0.05)(+0.09) at z = 1.19 and 1.47, respectively, which will become halos with the present-day mass M similar to 1.5 x 10(13) h(-1) M-circle dot. The satellite fraction of the [O II] emitter sample is found to be f(sat) similar to 0.15. All these values are consistent with previous studies of similar samples, but we obtain tighter constraints even in a larger parameter space due to the larger sample size from the HSC. The results obtained for host halos of [O II] emitters in this paper enable the construction of mock galaxy catalogs and the systematic forecast study of cosmological constraints from upcoming emission line galaxy surveys such as the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph survey.
cosmology: observations, galaxies: formation, galaxies: halos, large-scale structure of universe, methods: statistical
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