Lack of Abdominal Stability and Control as a Possible Contributor to Rectus Femoris Avulsion Fracture in the Adolescent Soccer Player: A Case Report.

Chelsea Lasky-McFarlin, Mae Thomas, Jennifer Newman,Deborah Thorpe

Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association(2021)

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PURPOSE:To describe evaluation and physical therapy treatment for an athlete who is male and 13 years old with healing bilateral rectus femoris avulsion fractures. SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS:Fractures of the anterior inferior iliac spine may be linked to poor abdominal stability in soccer athletes who are male and an adolescent. The development and use of an abdominal stability screening tool could be an efficient and effective way to determine fracture risk and guide prevention programs. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE:Following 8 weeks of conservative physical therapy treatment, the athlete met all goals and returned to pain-free soccer activities without residual impairments. Four months following discharge, he reported full participation in soccer competition without complications. This case illustrates that abdominal weakness is a potential risk factor for anterior inferior iliac spine avulsion fracture. Screening for abdominal weakness and incorporating preventative programs into training regimens is recommended to prevent anterior inferior iliac spine injuries in this population.
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