Validation of the Dusseldorfer screening tool: a trait-based approach to assess psychological distress of cancer patients


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Background Psycho-oncological screening is a useful tool to ascertain whether patients need special support. Currently, patients are asked mainly about their acute problems. Stable internal and external risk factors and preventive patient characteristics are largely disregarded. The newly developed Dusseldorf Screening Tool (DST) captures distress through stable traits, social support, and the patient's coping style. The aim of this study was to validate the DST using the Distress-Thermometer (DT) and Basic Documentation for Psycho-Oncology (PO-Bado). Methods A total of 126 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma were investigated. To determine the cut-off value, receiver operating curves (ROC) curves were calculated. As a measure of quality, area under the curve (AUC) values are given. Sensitivity and specificity were established for each gold standard questionnaire. Results Compared to the DT and PO-Bado, the discrimination ability of the DST is good, with AUC values of 0.62 to 0.80. With a DT cut-off value of 5, a sensitivity of 84.2% with a specificity of 37.0% can be stated. Compared to PO-Bado, a sensitivity value of 92.9% with a specificity of 43.6% can be reported. Conclusion The results show that a trait-based approach to identify patients' level of psychological distress can purposefully and safely assess cancer patients' stress level. A new approach to screening in psycho-oncology has thus emerged.
Psycho-Oncology, Resources and risk factors, Supportive care needs, Oral cancer
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