Pathogenic potential of Brucella ovis field isolates with different genotypic profile and protection provided by the vaccine strain B. ovis Delta abcBA against B. ovis field isolates in mice


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Brucella ovis causes economic and reproductive losses in sheep herds. The goal of this study was to characterize infection with B. ovis field isolates in a murine model, and to evaluate protection induced by the candidate vaccine strain B. ovis Delta abcBA in mice challenged with these field isolates. B. ovis field strains were able to colonize and cause lesions in the liver and spleen of infected mice. After an initial screening, two strains were selected for further characterization (B. ovis 94 AV and B. ovis 266 L). Both strains had in vitro growth kinetics that was similar to that of the reference strain B. ovis ATCC 25840. Vaccination with B. ovis Delta abcBA encapsulated with 1% alginate was protective against the challenge with field strains, with the following protection indexes: 0.751, 1.736, and 2.746, for mice challenged with B. ovis ATCC25840, B. ovis 94 AV, and B. ovis 266 L, respectively. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that B. ovis field strains were capable of infecting and inducing lesions in experimentally infected mice. The attenuated vaccine strain B. ovis Delta abcBA induced protection in mice challenged with different B. ovis field isolates, resulting in higher protection indexes against more pathogenic strains.
Pathogeny,Brucella ovis,isolates,genotypic profile,protection,vaccine strain Delta abcBA,mice,immunization,field isolated strains,brucellosis
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