Precipitation of wine polyphenols using collagen from fish skin and fish swim bladder


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Collagen from the swim bladder of sturgeon has been historically used to precipitate polyphenols in wine. However, little is known about the wine polyphenol precipitation potential of protein from other fishes. Consequently, the objective of this study was to evaluate the polyphenol precipitation potential of collagen extracted from other fish (Rocot, Sebastes sp. and Curvina, Atractoscion nobilis). There were no differences in the complexation time between wine polyphenols and clarifying proteins. However, collagen from fishes from Baja California was more effective in precipitating wine polyphenols than ovalbumin or sturgeon swim bladder collagen. The polyphenol precipitation was specific to the protein added to the wine. The addition of Baja California fish collagen did not change the biochemical structure (pH, total acidity, volatile acidity, and free and total sulfur dioxide) of the clarified wine. El colageno de vejiga natatoria de esturion se ha utilizado historicamente para reducir la concentracion de polifenoles durante la produccion de vinos de mesa. Sin embargo, se desconoce si proteinas provenientes de otros peces pueden ser utilizadas como agentes precipitantes de polifenoles en vinos. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar la precipitacion de polifenoles utilizando colageno de otros peces (Rocot; Sebastes sp. y Curvina; Atractoscion nobilis). No se observaron diferencias en el tiempo de complejamiento de polifenoles del vino y las proteinas clarificantes. Sin embargo, el colageno de peces de Baja California fue mas efectivo para precipitar los polifenoles de vino tinto que la ovoalbumina o el colageno de vejiga natatoria de esturion. La concentracion de polifenoles clarificados fue especifica de la proteina anadida al vino. La adicion de colageno no altero las caracteristicas bioquimicas (pH, acidez titulable, acidez volatil) del vino clarificado.
collagen,red wine,polyphenols,fining,colageno,vino tinto,polifenoles,clarificacion
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