Three dimensional shape measurement of wear particle by iterative volume intersection

Proceedings of SPIE(2018)

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The morphology of wear particle is a fundamental indicator where wear oriented machine health can be assessed. Previous research proved that thorough measurement of the particle shape allows more reliable explanation of the occurred wear mechanism. However, most of current particle measurement techniques are focused on extraction of the two-dimensional (2-D) morphology, while other critical particle features including volume and thickness are not available. As a result, a three-dimensional (3-D) shape measurement method is developed to enable a more comprehensive particle feature description. The developed method is implemented in three steps: (1) particle profiles in multiple views are captured via a camera mounted above a micro fluid channel; (2) a preliminary reconstruction is accomplished by the shape-from-silhouette approach with the collected particle contours; (3) an iterative re-projection process follows to obtain the final 3-D measurement by minimizing the difference between the original and the re-projected contours. Results from real data are presented, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed method.
three dimensional reconstruction,camera pose estimation,re-projection,wear particle
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