Potential and scientific requirements of optical clock networks for validating satellite gravity missions


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The GRACE and GRACE-FO missions have provided an unprecedented quantification of large-scale changes in the water cycle. However, it is still an open problem of how these missions' data sets can be referenced to a ground truth. Meanwhile, stationary optical clocks show fractional instabilities below $10^{-18}$ when averaged over an hour, and continue to be improved in terms of precision and accuracy, uptime, and transportability. The frequency of a clock is affected by the gravitational redshift, and thus depends on the local geopotential; a relative frequency change of $10^{-18}$ corresponds to a geoid height change of about $1$ cm. Here we suggest that this effect could be further exploited for sensing large-scale temporal geopotential changes via a network of clocks distributed at the Earth's surface. In fact, several projects have already proposed to create an ensemble of optical clocks connected across Europe via optical fibre links. Our hypothesis is that a clock network with collocated GNSS receivers spread over Europe - for which the physical infrastructure is already partly in place - would enable us to determine temporal variations of the Earth's gravity field at time scales of days and beyond, and thus provide a new means for validating satellite missions such as GRACE-FO or a future gravity mission. Here, we show through simulations how ice, hydrology and atmosphere variations over Europe could be observed with clock comparisons in a future network that follows current design concepts in the metrology community. We assume different scenarios for clock and GNSS uncertainties and find that even under conservative assumptions - a clock error of $10^{-18}$ and vertical height control error of $1.4$ mm for daily measurements - hydrological signals at the annual time scale and atmospheric signals down to the weekly time scale could be observed.
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