Apical Relaxation during Mitotic Rounding Promotes Tension-Oriented Cell Division.

Developmental cell(2020)

引用 15|浏览43
Global tissue tension anisotropy has been shown to trigger stereotypical cell division orientation by elongating mitotic cells along the main tension axis. Yet, how tissue tension elongates mitotic cells despite those cells undergoing mitotic rounding (MR) by globally upregulating cortical actomyosin tension remains unclear. We addressed this question by taking advantage of ascidian embryos, consisting of a small number of interphasic and mitotic blastomeres and displaying an invariant division pattern. We found that blastomeres undergo MR by locally relaxing cortical tension at their apex, thereby allowing extrinsic pulling forces from neighboring interphasic blastomeres to polarize their shape and thus division orientation. Consistently, interfering with extrinsic forces by reducing the contractility of interphasic blastomeres or disrupting the establishment of asynchronous mitotic domains leads to aberrant mitotic cell division orientations. Thus, apical relaxation during MR constitutes a key mechanism by which tissue tension anisotropy controls stereotypical cell division orientation.
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