Selective Isotope CT Imaging Based on Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Transmission Method

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science(2020)

引用 9|浏览38
The isotope selectivity of computed tomography (CT) imaging based on nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) transmission method using a quasi-monochromatic laser Compton scattering (LCS) gamma-ray beam in the MeV region was demonstrated at the Ultra Violet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation-III (UVSOR-III) Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Institute of Molecular Science, National Institute of Natural Science) for two enriched lead isotope rods ( 206 Pb and 208 Pb) implanted in an aluminum cylinder. Since these two rods show the same gamma-ray attenuation in atomic processes, it is impossible to differentiate between them using a standard Gamma-CT technique based on atomic attenuation of gamma rays. The LCS gamma-ray beam had a maximum energy of 5.528 MeV and an intensity of approximately 5.5 photons/s/eV at the resonance energy (J π = 1 - at 5.512 MeV in 208 Pb). A lead collimator with a hole diameter of 1 mm was used to define the size of the LCS gamma-ray beam at the CT target. The CT image of the 208 Pb rod was selectively obtained with a 2-mm pixel size resolution, which was determined by the horizontal step size of the CT stage.
Computed tomography (CT),isotope distribution,laser Compton scattering (LCS) gamma-ray beam,nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF)
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