Retention and dispersion of virtual fish larvae in the Mesoamerican Reef

Regional Studies in Marine Science(2020)

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Retention and dispersion of virtual fish larvae were compared in four regions of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System: Gulf of Honduras, Turneffe Atoll, southern coast of Mexico (Xcalak/Chinchorro channel) and northern Chinchorro Bank. The results indicated that in the Gulf of Honduras, 20 % of the surface particles can be retained for up to 40 days, this retention was longer at 50 m depth. The area of Turneffe Atoll showed southward dispersion during November and December; whilst between Chinchorro Bank and Turneffe Atoll, it passes 70% of the released particles of the system. In Xcalak/Chinchorro channel countercurrent area, particles can be retained at the surface and at 50 m depth from September through December, and at 100 m throughout the year. In the northern system, which includes the northern Chinchorro Bank and Cozumel Island, the Yucatan Current rapidly dispersed the particles towards the Gulf of Mexico. These results were partially in agreement with previous studies of connectivity and dispersion. Our results suggest that the retention of particles in the Gulf of Honduras and Xcalak/Chinchorro channel could be higher than it was previously estimated, and that the self-recruitment rates of these two regions could be underestimated with potential population repercussions for species with a planktonic life cycle.
Retention,Dispersal,Fish larvae,Circulation,Gyres,Countercurrents,Caribbean
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