The impact of the introduction of artificial intelligence in radiology and its potential legal implications in the UK and Ireland.

BJR open(2020)

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been defined as a branch of computer science dealing with the capability and simulation of a machine to imitate intelligent human behaviour. Diagnostic radiology, being a computer-based service, is unsurprisingly at the forefront of the discussion of the use of AI in medicine. There are however differing schools of thought regarding its use; namely, will AI eventually replace the radiologist? Or indeed will it ever be fully capable of replacing radiology as a speciality, but rather be used as an aid to the profession whereby a human's input will always be required? Furthermore, what will the legal implications of AI in radiology mean to the profession? Who will be liable for missed diagnoses? Is it possible that the introduction of AI to radiology will in fact make the profession busier?
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