Unified greedy approximability beyond submodular maximization

SIAM J. Discret. Math.(2022)

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We consider classes of objective functions of cardinality constrained maximization problems for which the greedy algorithm guarantees a constant approximation. We propose the new class of $\gamma$-$\alpha$-augmentable functions and prove that it encompasses several important subclasses, such as functions of bounded submodularity ratio, $\alpha$-augmentable functions, and weighted rank functions of an independence system of bounded rank quotient - as well as additional objective functions for which the greedy algorithm yields an approximation. For this general class of functions, we show a tight bound of $\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}\cdot\frac{\mathrm{e}^\alpha}{\mathrm{e}^\alpha-1}$ on the approximation ratio of the greedy algorithm that tightly interpolates between bounds from the literature for functions of bounded submodularity ratio and for $\alpha$-augmentable functions. In paritcular, as a by-product, we close a gap left in [Math.Prog., 2020] by obtaining a tight lower bound for $\alpha$-augmentable functions for all $\alpha\geq1$. For weighted rank functions of independence systems, our tight bound becomes $\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}$, which recovers the known bound of $1/q$ for independence systems of rank quotient at least $q$.
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