The DIVI and DGAI core data set ICM 2010

F. Apfelstelt, J. H. Baldering,T. Bingold,R. Biniek, E. Bock,J. P. Braun, I. Buchholz, H. Burchardi, H. Eggebrecht, I. Eichler, M. Flaig, W. H. Heinrichs, H. B. Hopf, A. Kroener, R. Lefering, M. Max, A. Markewitz, J. Martin, G. Scheiber, R. Scherer, R. Stiletto, U. Trieschmann, D. Vagts,C. Waydhas


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The Benchmarking Project "National Register for Quality Control in Intensive Care Medicine" has so far been attended by 59 Intensive care units from the majority of those specialties practicing intensive care, with 127,872 patients and a total of 589.635 treatment days. The underlying idea was the revision of the "1999 core data set". The high daily documentation requirement, new stratification instruments (e.g. SAPS) and new developments in quality assurance (e.g. quality indicators) necessitated an updating of the core data. In addition to the newly introduced recording of SAPS3 (once on patient admission) and quality indicators (once a year or once per patient) the daily documentation requirement was reduced by abandoning the recording of a whole range of parameters, and limiting recording to those patients only who remained in the ICU for at least 24 hours. For paediatric patients, specific modifications were implemented. The "2010 ICM core data set" was officially agreed by both DIVI and DGAI and, to enable external quality comparison, its application by all ICUs recommended.
Quality Assurance,Intensive Care,Core Data Set,Benchmarking
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