Blockade of GABA transporter-1 and GABA transporter-3 in the lateral habenula improves depressive-like behaviors in a rat model of Parkinson's disease


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The hyperactivity of the lateral habenula (LHb) is closely associated with depression. At present, it is unknown how GABA transporter (GAT) in the LHb affects depressive-like behaviors, particularly in Parkinson's disease (PD)-related depression. In this study, unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) in rats induced depressive-like behaviors and led to hyperactivity of LHb neurons compared to sham-lesioned rats. Intra-LHb injection of GAT-1 inhibitor NO-711 produced antidepressant-like responses, decreased firing rate of LHb neurons, and increased levels of LHb extracellular GABA in sham-lesioned and the lesioned rats. Further, the dose producing behavioral effects in the lesioned rats was lower than that of sham-lesioned rats. In the lesioned rats, the duration of inhibitory effect on the firing rate and increased levels of the GABA induced by NO-711 was longer than those in sham-lesioned rats, respectively. Intra-LHb injection of GAT-3 inhibitor SNAP-5114 improved depressive-like behaviors and decreased firing rate of LHb neurons in the lesioned rats, but not in sham-lesioned rats. SNAP-5114 increased LHb GABA levels in the lesioned rats, whereas did not alter that in sham-lesioned rats. These changes were involved in the down-regulated expression of LHb GAT-1 and GAT-3 after lesioning the SNc. These findings suggest that GAT-1 plays a major role in transporting LHb GABA under physiological conditions, and depletion of dopamine increases the transport capacity of GAT-3 in the LHb. Further, the study provides evidence that GAT-1 and GAT-3 in the LHb are involved in the regulation of PD-related depression.
GABA transporter-1,GABA transporter-3,Reuptake,Lateral habenula,Depression,Parkinson's disease
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