Model-Driven Engineering of Monitoring Application for Sensors and Actuators Networks

2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)(2020)

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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) encompass both Information Infrastructures and networks of physical devices. Applications for monitoring them are usually implemented after the physical systems that they have to monitor: the CPS has to be running in order to monitor it. Monitoring applications define communications between the elements of those systems, and are compliant with their designs. Such applications can be complicated to develop, maintain and evolve, especially if the physical system changes. This paper brings an approach for engineering CPS monitoring applications, relying on model-driven techniques for generating a platform using the MQTT communication protocol for monitoring the CPS. First, it provides a meta-model for modeling sensors and actuators networks. Second, it introduces EMIT a monitoring platform for sensors and actuators networks. Third, it presents a transformation from models of sensors and actuators networks to automatically generate Emit monitoring configuration. We illustrate our approach on a case study and discuss its limitations and improvement points.
Cyber-Physical Systems,Model-Driven Engineering,Monitoring
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