Big Data Critical Computing Based on the Similarity-Difference Metric

2020 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS)(2020)

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Models, methods and algorithms for cyber-social computing are proposed that use the similarity-difference metric of unitary coded information for processing big data in order to generate adequate actuator signals for controlling cyber-social critical systems. A set-theoretic method for data retrieval has being developed based on the similarity-difference of the frequency parameters of primitive elements, which makes it possible to determine the similarity of objects, the strategy of transforming one object into another, as well as to identify the level of common interests, conflict. The definitions of the fundamental concepts in the field of computing are given on the basis of metric relations between interacting processes and phenomena. A software application is proposed for calculating the similarity-differences of objects based on the formation of frequency vectors of two sets of primitive data. A high level of correlation between the results of the application and the well-known system for determining plagiarism is shown.
computing,cyber social computing,decision-making,unitary data codes,similarity-difference,big data analysis,plagiarism
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