Functional Connectivity During Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements


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Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) hold the image of a slowly moving stimulus on the fovea. The neural system underlying SPEM primarily includes visual, parietal, and frontal areas. In the present study, we investigated how these areas are functionally coupled and how these couplings are influenced by target motion frequency. To this end, healthy participants (n = 57) were instructed to follow a sinusoidal target stimulus moving horizontally at two different frequencies (0.2 Hz, 0.4 Hz). Eye movements and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) activity were recorded simultaneously. Functional connectivity of the key areas of the SPEM network was investigated with a psy-chophysiological interaction (PPI) approach. How activity in five eye movement-related seed regions (lateral geniculate nucleus, V1, V5, posterior parietal cortex, frontal eye fields) relates to activity in other parts of the brain during SPEM was analyzed. The behavioral results showed clear deterioration of SPEM performance at higher target fre-quency. BOLD activity during SPEM versus fixation occurred in a geniculo-occipito-parieto-frontal network, replicating previous findings. PPI analysis yielded widespread, partially overlapping networks. In particular, frontal eye fields and posterior parietal cortex showed task-dependent connectivity to large parts of the entire cortex, whereas other seed regions demonstrated more regionally focused connectivity. Higher target frequency was associated with stronger activations in visual areas but had no effect on functional connectivity. In summary, the results confirm and extend previous knowledge regarding the neural mechanisms underlying SPEM and provide a valuable basis for further investigations such as in patients with SPEM impairments and known alterations in brain connectivity.NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study provides a comprehensive investigation of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional connectivity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Results from a large sample of healthy participants suggest that key oculomotor regions interact closely with each other but also with regions not primarily associated with eye movements. Understanding functional connectivity during smooth pursuit is important, given its potential role as an endophenotype of psychoses.
eye movements, fMRI, functional connectivity, psychophysiological interactions, smooth pursuit
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