Deep Reinforcement Learning for DER Cyber-Attack Mitigation

2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)(2020)

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The increasing penetration of DER with smart-inverter functionality is set to transform the electrical distribution network from a passive system, with fixed injection/consumption, to an active network with hundreds of distributed controllers dynamically modulating their operating setpoints as a function of system conditions. This transition is being achieved through standardization of functionality through grid codes and/or international standards. DER, however, are unique in that they are typically neither owned nor operated by distribution utilities and, therefore, represent a new emerging attack vector for cyber-physical attacks. Within this work we consider deep reinforcement learning as a tool to learn the optimal parameters for the control logic of a set of uncompromised DER units to actively mitigate the effects of a cyber-attack on a subset of network DER.
network DER,uncompromised DER units,control logic,cyber-physical attacks,emerging attack vector,distribution utilities,international standards,grid codes,system conditions,operating setpoints,distributed controllers,active network,passive system,electrical distribution network,smart-inverter functionality,DER cyber-attack mitigation,deep reinforcement learning
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