Scattering of an utlrashort laser pulse by a spherical air bubble.

Geoffroy Chaussonnet, Philippe M Bardet


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The scattering of an ultrashort laser pulse by an air bubble in water is investigated by means of the Lorenz-Mie theory and the Debye expansion. A 70 fs, 800 nm pulse is considered as a plane wave with a Gaussian temporal envelope. The transient response is treated with the theory derived from Gouesbet and Gréhan [Part. Part. Syst. Charact.17, 213-224 (2000)], taking now into account chromatic dispersion and absorption of water. It is observed that contrary to the case of water droplet in air, the Debye modes p ≥ 1 start their transient scattering at the same time and the same angle (≈90°) and for a large size parameter, they differentiate as time elapses. A parametric study on the size parameter and the spatial extension of the pulse is performed to identify regimes where the different Debye mode are distinguishable in time. Dependence on the scattering angle is also treated. Finally, by considering pulse chirp, it is shown that the laser/bubble distance has an influence on the separability of modes p = 0 and p = 1.
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