Effects of sevoflurane anesthesia on intraoperative high-frequency oscillations in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.


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PURPOSE:This is a cross-sectional study without an unexposed group. We elucidated the effects of sevoflurane anesthesia on high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) to examine the usefulness of assessing intraoperative HFOs. METHODS:We recorded electrocorticography in seven patients with medication-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) caused by unilateral hippocampal sclerosis who were seizure-free after temporal lobectomy. We analyzed the number of intraoperative spikes and HFOs on spikes in the epileptogenic parahippocampal gyrus and nonepileptogenic superior temporal gyrus with sevoflurane concentrations of 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, and 3.0%. RESULTS:The number of spikes and HFOs in the epileptogenic area significantly increased with an increase in the sevoflurane concentration. In the nonepileptogenic area, spikes and HFOs did not significantly increase with increases in the sevoflurane concentration. However, 2.5% sevoflurane markedly induced spikes and ripples but no fast ripples (FRs) in one patient, and 3.0% sevoflurane induced marked increases in both ripples and FRs in two patients. CONCLUSIONS:The proconvulsant effect of sevoflurane on intraoperative HFOs in patients with TLE depends on the concentration. While HFOs induced by higher sevoflurane concentrations may be a useful biomarker for epileptogenic areas, careful interpretation is also needed because a higher sevoflurane concentration can also induce false-positive HFOs in nonepileptogenic areas.
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