Impact of a Scalable, Multi-Campus "Foodprint" Seminar on College Students' Dietary Intake and Dietary Carbon Footprint.


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Background: Dietary patterns affect both human health and environmental sustainability. Prior research found a ten-unit course on food systems and environmental sustainability shifted dietary intake and reduced dietary carbon footprint among college students. This research evaluated the impact of a similar, more scalable one-unitFoodprint seminartaught at multiple universities. Methods: We used a quasi-experimental pre-post nonequivalent comparison group design (n= 176). As part of the Menus of Change University Research Collaborative, research was conducted at three university campuses in California over four academic terms. All campuses used the same curriculum, which incorporates academic readings, group discussions, and skills-based exercises to evaluate the environmental footprint of different foods. The comparison group comprised students taking unrelated one-unit courses at the same universities. A questionnaire was administered at the beginning and end of each term. Results: Students who took theFoodprint seminarsignificantly improved their reported vegetable intake by 4.7 weekly servings relative to the comparison group. They also reported significantly decreasing intake of ruminant meat and sugar-sweetened beverages. As a result of dietary shifts,Foodprint seminarstudents were estimated to have significantly decreased their dietary carbon footprint by 14%. Conclusions: A scalable, one-unitFoodprint seminarmay simultaneously promote environmental sustainability and human health.
university students,dietary intake,eating behaviors,climate change,sustainable diets,seminar
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