Locomotor deficits in ALS mice are paralleled by loss of V1-interneuron-connections onto fast motor neurons


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ALS is characterized by progressive inability to execute movements. Motor neurons innervating fast-twitch muscle fibers exhibit preferential degeneration. The reason for differential vulnerability of fast motor neurons, and its consequence on motor output is not known. Here, we show that fast motor neurons receive more inhibitory synaptic inputs than slow motor neurons, and loss of inhibitory synapses onto fast motor neurons precedes disease progression in the mouse model of ALS. Loss of inhibitory synapses on fast motor neurons is accounted for by a loss of synapses from inhibitory V1 spinal interneurons. Deficits in V1-motor neuron connectivity appear prior to motor neuron death and are paralleled by development of specific locomotor deficits. These distinct locomotor deficits are phenocopied by silencing of inhibitory V1 spinal interneurons in wild-type mice. Silencing inhibitory V1 spinal interneurons does not exacerbate locomotor deficits, suggesting phenotypic pathway interaction. Our study identifies a potential cell non-autonomous source of motor neuronal vulnerability in ALS, and links ALS-induced changes in locomotor phenotypes to inhibitory V1 interneurons.
neuronal degeneration,motor neurons,ALS,spinal cord,locomotion
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