Complex genetic network underlying the convergent of Rett Syndrome like (RTT-L) phenotype in neurodevelopmental disorders


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Mutations of the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 () cause classical forms of Rett syndrome (RTT) in girls. Patients with features of classical Rett syndrome, but do not fulfill all the diagnostic criteria (e.g. absence of a mutation), are defined as atypical Rett syndrome. Genes encoding for cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 () and forkhead box G1 (FOXG1) are more commonly found in patients with atypical Rett syndrome. Nevertheless, a subset of patients who are recognized to have an overlapping phenotype with RTT but are lacking a mutation in a gene that causes typical or atypical RTT are described as having Rett syndrome like phenotype (RTT-L). Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of 8 RTT-L patients from our cohort revealed mutations in the genes , and , which are seemingly unrelated to Rett syndrome genes. We hypothesized that the phenotypic overlap in RTT and RTT-L is caused by mutations in genes that affect common cellular pathways critical for normal brain development and function. We annotated the list of genes identified causing RTT-L from peer-reviewed articles and performed a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis. We also investigated their interaction with RTT (typical or atypical) genes such as , and . We found that the RTT-L-causing genes were enriched in the biological pathways such as circadian entrainment, the CREB pathway, and RET signaling, and neuronal processes like ion transport, synaptic transmission, and transcription. We conclude that genes that significantly interact with the PPI network established by RTT genes cause RTT-L, explaining the considerable feature overlap between genes that are indicated for RTT-L and RTT.
Rett Syndrome,Rett Syndrome like phenotypes,protein-protein interaction,biological pathways
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