Intertumoral Genetic Heterogeneity Generates Distinct Tumor Microenvironments In A Novel Murine Synchronous Melanoma Model


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Simple SummaryMetastatic melanoma patients may present with multiple, simultaneous metastases that are genetically different. This intertumoral heterogeneity can cause these tumors to respond differently to the same systemic therapy. Progression of any one tumor, even when others regress, eventually leads to therapy termination. The mechanism underlying these mixed responses remains unknown due to a lack of clinically representative animal models. In a novel murine model of synchronous melanoma that recapitulates human intertumoral heterogeneity, we show that intertumoral genetic heterogeneity leads to the simultaneous generation of distinct tumor immune microenvironments within the same mouse. Furthermore, each tumor can independently regulate local PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1) and PD-L1 (PD-1 ligand) expressions, an immunosuppressive axis targeted by popular checkpoint immunotherapies. This model is useful for furthering the study of intertumoral heterogeneity and of lesion-specific therapeutic responses.Metastatic melanoma portends a poor prognosis and patients may present with multiple, simultaneous tumors. Despite recent advances in systemic immunotherapy, a majority of patients fail to respond, or exhibit lesion-specific responses wherein some metastases respond as others progress within the same patient. While intertumoral heterogeneity has been clinically associated with these mixed lesion-specific therapeutic responses, no clear mechanism has been identified, largely due to the scarcity of preclinical models. We developed a novel murine synchronous melanoma model that recapitulates this intertumoral genetic and microenvironmental heterogeneity. We show that genetic differences between tumors are sufficient to generate distinct tumor immune microenvironments (TIME) simultaneously in the same mouse. Furthermore, these TIMEs lead to the independent regulation of PD-1/PD-L1 (programmed cell death protein 1/PD-1 ligand), a popular axis targeted by immune checkpoint therapy, in response to ongoing anti-tumor immunity and the presence of interferon-gamma. Currently, therapeutic selection for metastatic melanoma patients is guided by a single biopsy, which may not represent the immune status of all tumors. As a result, patients can display heterogeneous lesion-specific responses. Further investigations into this synchronous melanoma model will provide mechanistic insight into the effects of intertumoral heterogeneity and guide therapeutic selection in this challenging patient population.
tumor microenvironment, tumor heterogeneity, metastatic melanoma, tumor models, immunomodulation, PD-L1
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