Efferent feedback enforces bilateral coupling of spontaneous activity in the developing auditory system


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In the developing auditory system, spontaneous activity generated in the cochleae propagates into the central nervous system to promote circuit formation before hearing onset. Effects of the evolving peripheral firing pattern on spontaneous activity in the central auditory system are not well understood. Here, we describe the wide-spread bilateral coupling of spontaneous activity that coincides with the period of transient efferent modulation of inner hair cells from the medial olivochlear (MOC) system. Knocking out the α9/α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, a requisite part of the efferent cholinergic pathway, abolishes these bilateral correlations. Pharmacological and chemogenetic experiments confirm that the MOC system is necessary and sufficient to produce the bilateral coupling. Moreover, auditory sensitivity at hearing onset is reduced in the absence of pre-hearing efferent modulation. Together, our results demonstrate how ascending and descending pathways collectively shape spontaneous activity patterns in the auditory system and reveal the essential role of the MOC efferent system in linking otherwise independent streams of bilateral spontaneous activity during the prehearing period.
olivocochlear,spontaneous activity,wide-field imaging,calcium imaging,inferior colliculus,auditory cortex,development,a9a10 nAChR,hearing onset,bilateral correlation,cholinergic modulation
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