Neural Mechanisms for Executive Control of Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff


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The balance of speed with accuracy requires error detection and performance adaptation. To date, neural concomitants of these processes have been investigated only with noninvasive measures. To provide the first neurophysiological description, macaque monkeys performed visual search under cued speed accuracy tradeoff (SAT). Monkeys changed SAT emphasis immediately after a cued switch while neuron discharges were sampled in medial frontal cortex area supplementary eye field (SEF). A multiplicity of SEF neurons signaled production of choice errors and timing errors. Modulation of SEF activity after choice errors predicted production of un-rewarded corrective saccades. Modulation of activity after timing errors signaled reward prediction error. Adaptation of performance during SAT of visual search was accomplished through pronounced changes in neural state from before search array presentation until after reward delivery. These results contextualize previous findings using noninvasive measures, complement neurophysiological findings in visuomotor structures, endorse the role of medial frontal cortex as a critic relative to the actor instantiated in visuomotor structures, and extend our understanding of the distributed neural mechanisms of SAT.
actor-critic,cognitive control,supplementary eye field,medial frontal cortex,performance monitoring,reward prediction error
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