A central role of glutamine in Chlamydia infection


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Obligate intracellular bacteria like undergo a complex developmental cycle between infectious non-replicative (EBs) and non-infectious replicative (RBs) forms. EBs shortly after entering a host cell transform to RBs, a crucial process in infection, initiating chlamydial replication. As fail to replicate outside the host cell it is currently unknown how the transition from EBs to RBs is initiated. Here we show in a cell-free approach in axenic media that uptake of glutamine by the bacteria is critical to initiate EB-RB transition. These bacteria utilize glutamine to synthesize cell wall peptidoglycan which has recently been detected in the septa of replicating intracellular The increased requirement for glutamine in infected cells is achieved by reprogramming the glutamine metabolism in a c-Myc-dependent manner. Glutamine was effectively taken up by the glutamine transporter SLC1A5 and metabolized via glutaminase. Interference with this metabolic reprogramming limited growth of Intriguingly, failed to produce progeny in SLC1A5 knockout mice. Thus, we report on the central role of glutamine for the development of an obligate intracellular pathogenic bacterium and the reprogramming of host glutamine metabolism, which may provide a basis for innovative anti-infective strategies.
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