Anatomical development of the cerebellothalamic tract in embryonic mice


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Cerebellar projections to the thalamus are a pivotal connection in cerebello-cerebral interactions. Apart from its role in coordinating sensorimotor integration in the adult brain, the cerebello-thalamic projection has also been implemented in developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders. Although the development of the cerebellum, thalamus and cerebral cortex have been studied in many species, a detailed description of the ontogeny of the mammalian cerebello-thalamic tract (CbT) is currently missing. Here we investigated the development of the CbT at embryonic stages using transgenic mice and electroporation (IUE) of wild type mice. Wide-field, confocal and 3D light-sheet imaging of immunohistochemical stainings showed that CbT fibers arrive in the prethalamus between E14.5 and E15.5, but only invade the thalamus after E16.5. We quantified the spread of CbT fibers throughout the various thalamic nuclei and found that at E17.5 and E18.5 the ventrolateral, ventromedial and parafascicular nuclei, but also the mediodorsal and posterior complex become increasingly innervated. Several CbT fiber varicosities colocalize with vGluT2, indicating that already from E18.5 the CbT synapse in various thalamic nuclei. Our results contribute to the construction of a frame of reference on the anatomical development of the CbT, which will help to guide future experiments investigating neurodevelopmental disorders.
cerebello-thalamic tract,cerebellum,embryonic development,mouse,thalamus
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