Application of Surface Reconstruction for Car Undercarriage Inspection

2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering (IRCE)(2021)

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The method for camera-based 3D reconstruction of car undercarriages is proposed in this paper. It is designed for use in a special security scanner, which is placed under a road level and scans undercarriages of passing cars. The scanner uses mirrors to increase a distance from a camera and to simulate a stereo pair, thus capturing a stereo image by a single camera. The partial 3D models created from individual images are reconstructed by a correlation-based block-matching algorithm. Afterward, these models are transformed to common coordinate base according to visual odometry readings, and the individual pieces are clipped and stitched together to form a seamless model. The reconstruction works at near real-time speed and the complete process is fast enough to enable the inspection without substantial delay. The method was implemented on a prototype and successfully tested on real car undercarriages. During the test, the prototype was able to facilitate number of inspections and successfully detect foreign objects placed on the undercarriage.
stereo reconstruction,computer vision,visual odometry
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