Preclinical Studies Show Using Enzalutamide Is Less Effective In Docetaxel-Pretreated Than In Docetaxel-Naive Prostate Cancer Cells


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Anti-androgen therapy with Enzalutamide (Enz) has been used as a therapy for castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) patients after development of resistance to chemotherapy with Docetaxel (Doc). The potential impacts of Doc-chemotherapy on the subsequent Enz treatment, however, remain unclear. Here we found the overall survival rate of patients that received Enz was significantly less in patients that received prior Doc-chemotherapy than those who had not. In vitro studies from 3 established Doc resistant CRPC (DocRPC) cell lines are consistent with the clinical findings showing DocRPC patients had decreased Enz-sensitivity as well as accelerated development of Enz-resistance via enhanced androgen receptor (AR) splicing variant 7 (ARv7) expression. Mechanism dissection found that Doc treatment might increase the generation of ARv7 via altering the MALAT1-SF2 RNA splicing complex. Preclinical studies using in vivo mouse models and in vitro cell lines proved that targeting the MALAT1/SF2/ARv7 axis with small molecules, including siMALAT1, shSF2, and shARv7 or ARv7 degradation enhancers: Cisplatin or ASC-J9 (R), can restore/increase the Enz sensitivity to further suppress DocRPC cell growth. Therefore, combined therapy of Doc-chemotherapy with anti-ARv7 therapy, including Cisplatin or ASC-J9 (R), may be developed to increase the efficacy of Enz to further suppress DocRPC in patients.
docetaxol, enzalutamide, ARv7, prostate cancer, resistance
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