Growth conditions and survival kinetics during storage ofLactobacillus rhamnosusGG for the design of a sustainable probiotic whey-based beverage containing Costa Rican guava fruit pulp


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The finding of economical and practical applications for milk whey is still a challenge for dairy industries. This paper presents information about the development of a probiotic-prebiotic beverage based onLactobacillus rhamnosusGG (LGG) and Costa Rican guava (CRG) fruit pulp with industrial potential. First, a supplemented whey media was developed for LGG growth, and the whey-supplemented media was used for fermentation in bioreactors. LGG reached a maximum growth rate of 0.32 hr(-1)after 48 hr of fermentation. The whey-grown probiotics were then mixed with CRG pulp to produce the probiotic-prebiotic beverage. The survival kinetics of LGG in the formulated drink was not affected by the addition of CRG pulp (P> 0.05), and the shelf-life of the inoculated beverage surpassed 40 days with a minimum population of 10(6)colony forming units (CFU)/mL. Properties as pH, fructose, glucose, sucrose, and proanthocyanidins (PACs) content exhibited a significant difference after storage time (P< 0.05). Finally, three different formulas of the beverage with different whey content were compared through sensory evaluation. The prototype with 50% whey content was one of the most valuable beverage formulas according to the organoleptic parameters, which remarks about the possibility of developing a probiotic whey-based beverage containing CRG pulp. Furthermore, this is the first report about CRG beverages as a probiotic vector. Practical Application This research focuses on the evaluation of the properties of a probiotic beverage, with a promissory industrial application using whey, as a dairy industry byproduct, combined with the pulp of the highly nutritious and subutilized Costa Rican guava (CRG) fruit.
Costa Rican guava fruit,fermentation,Lactobacillus rhamnosusGG,microbial growth,microbial survival
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