Protecting Working Farm and Forest Landscapes: How Do Oregon and Washington Compare?

Jill Sterrett,Connie Ozawa, Dennis Ryan,Ethan Seltzer,Jan Whittington

Planning the Pacific Northwest(2017)

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Those of us who call the Pacific Northwest home like to think of our region as a national forerunner in natural resources protection through land-use planning. But is this true? Is there more than anecdotal evidence to support this thought? New information from the Oregon Department of Forestry shows that both Oregon and Washington have protected their working farm and forest landscapes, each in its own distinctive way, although Oregon has been more protective. These states’ traditional farm and forest sectors continue to contribute significantly to the economic well-being and quality of life of the region. Oregon just celebrated the 40th anniversary of its statewide land-use planning program, focused on farm and forest land protection, while Washington has more general state standards that give its counties more discretion in protecting these working landscapes. How effective have these contrasting approaches …
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