Study of bilateral elbow joint osteoarthritis treatment using conditioned medium from allogeneic adipose tissue-derived MSCs in Labrador retrievers.

Research in Veterinary Science(2020)

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Canine elbow dysplasia is a common cause of forelimb lameness in dogs and can lead to development of osteoarthritis (OA). A potential alternative to pain management is the use of a safe cell-free based therapy through trophic and paracrine factors of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The aim of study was to identify the profile of selected mediators of potential clinical relevance in synovial fluid (SF) samples of dogs with elbow OA and analyse the range of motion (ROM) before and after cell-free MSCs-based treatment. In this study, conditioned medium from allogeneic canine adipose tissue - derived MSC (CM-AD-MSC) was prepared and administered into both elbow joints with OA in six Labrador retriever dogs (n = 6) on day 0 and 14 without creating a control group with a placebo. The SF of the elbow joints was analysed for the presence of several biomolecules (IL-6, IL-10, IL-8, IL-2, IL-12, TNF-αIFN-γ, MMP-3TIMP-1) before and after intraarticular applications of CM-AD-MSC. Kinematic analysis was used to assess the clinical effect of CM-AD-MSC. Analyses of SF and ROM were performed on days 0, 14 and 42. Concentration levels of MMP-3, TIMP-1, IL-6 and TNF-α in SF showed significant differences before and after the treatment (P < .05). There was a significant improvement in ROM between day 0 and 42 (P < .001). No severe adverse events were observed during the study. Results support the potential supportive effect of CM-AD-MSC as a noninvasive therapeutic tool for pain management of OA elbow joints in dogs.
Osteoarthritis,Elbow,Stem cell,Conditioned medium,Kinematic analysis,Range of motion
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