A Frequency-Phase Potential for a Forced STNO Network: an Example of Evoked Memory


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The network studied here is based on a standard model in physics, but it appears in various applications ranging from spintronics to neuroscience. When the network is forced by an external signal common to all its elements, there are shown to be two potential (gradient) functions: One for amplitudes and one for phases. But the phase potential disappears when the forcing is removed. The phase potential describes the distribution of in-phase/anti-phase oscillations in the network, as well as resonances in the form of phase locking. A valley in a potential surface corresponds to memory that may be accessed by associative recall. The two potentials derived here exhibit two different forms of memory: structural memory (time domain memory) that is sustained in the free problem, and evoked memory (frequency domain memory) that is sustained by the phase potential, only appearing when the system is illuminated by common external forcing. The common forcing organizes the network into those elements that are locked to forcing frequencies and other elements that may form secluded sub-networks. The secluded networks may perform independent operations such as pattern recognition and logic computations. Various control methods for shaping the network's outputs are demonstrated.
evoked memory,forced stno network,frequency-phase
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