Concurrent Editing of Vector Graphics using Similarity

SIGGRAPH '20: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Virtual Event USA August, 2020(2020)

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We propose a novel paradigm for concurrent editing of vector geometry. Our method automatically establishes an editing context, which encompasses similar Bv́ezier geometry within a graphic object (local repetition), as well as multiple instances of entire objects (global repetition). We start with given key geometry, efficiently analyze entire vector graphic document to identify similar geometry, and then propagate modifications (both geometric and stylistic) from key geometry to its variants. To accomplish this, we orchestrate Procrustes algorithm in a one-to-many solve to determine all affine variants of key geometry. This solve also computes a per-variant transformation matrix which is used to propagate modifications. Our method is performant and efficient, identifying and concurrently modifying tens of thousands of objects in real time. In addition, it does not require any instrumentation from designers, and is thus applicable to all existing vector graphics documents (such as SVG and PDF files).
vector graphics,concurrent editing,similarity
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