Anxiety Sensitivity and Opioid Use Motives Among Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain


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Public Health Significance The current study strongly suggests that anxiety sensitivity may be more important than pain itself in understanding why people with chronic low back pain may use and misuse opioids. Targeting anxiety sensitivity in treatment for opioid misuse may be an important clinical strategy. The opioid epidemic is a significant public health crisis in the United States, and chronic pain is a leading precipitating and maintaining factor for opioid misuse. To better understand substance misuse generally, research has examined motivational models of why people use substances, and pain management and affect-driven coping are cited as primary reasons for opioid misuse. Further, research examining psychosocial predictors of opioid misuse has identified anxiety sensitivity (AS; fear of anxiety-related physical sensations) as a unique predictor of opioid misuse severity, and it is possible that AS is uniquely related to opioid pain management and coping motives, which in turn, are related to opioid misuse. Therefore, the current study examined AS as a predictor of opioid pain management and coping motives, as well as the indirect effect of AS, through opioid motives, on opioid misuse status, among 292 adults (M-age = 45.76, SD = 11.20, 68.9% female) with chronic low back pain. Results for the current study support hypotheses that AS is significantly associated with pain management and coping motives (over and above variance of pain intensity) and indirectly associated with opioid misuse status through both motives. These results highlight the importance of better understanding opioid use motives in the context of chronic pain and provide potential treatment targets to add to a growing body of literature targeting psychosocial factors for opioid misuse.
anxiety sensitivity, chronic low back pain, opioid misuse, opioid use motives
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