Enumerating the Digitally Convex Sets of Powers of Cycles and Cartesian Products of Paths and Complete Graphs

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory(2021)

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Given a finite set $V$, a convexity $\\mathscr{C}$, is a collection of subsets of $V$ that contains both the empty set and the set $V$ and is closed under intersections. The elements of $\\mathscr{C}$ are called convex sets. The digital convexity, originally proposed as a tool for processing digital images, is defined as follows: a subset $S\\subseteq V(G)$ is digitally convex if, for every $v\\in V(G)$, we have $N[v]\\subseteq N[S]$ implies $v\\in S$. The number of cyclic binary strings with blocks of length at least $k$ is expressed as a linear recurrence relation for $k\\geq 2$. A bijection is established between these cyclic binary strings and the digitally convex sets of the $(k-1)^{th}$ power of a cycle. A closed formula for the number of digitally convex sets of the Cartesian product of two complete graphs is derived. A bijection is established between the digitally convex sets of the Cartesian product of two paths, $P_n \\square P_m$, and certain types of $n \\times m$ binary arrays.
convexity, enumeration, digital convexity
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