Online Carpooling using Expander Decompositions


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We consider the online carpooling problem: given $n$ vertices, a sequence of edges arrive over time. When an edge $e_t = (u_t, v_t)$ arrives at time step $t$, the algorithm must orient the edge either as $v_t \rightarrow u_t$ or $u_t \rightarrow v_t$, with the objective of minimizing the maximum discrepancy of any vertex, i.e., the absolute difference between its in-degree and out-degree. Edges correspond to pairs of persons wanting to ride together, and orienting denotes designating the driver. The discrepancy objective then corresponds to every person driving close to their fair share of rides they participate in. In this paper, we design efficient algorithms which can maintain polylog$(n,T)$ maximum discrepancy (w.h.p) over any sequence of $T$ arrivals, when the arriving edges are sampled independently and uniformly from any given graph $G$. This provides the first polylogarithmic bounds for the online (stochastic) carpooling problem. Prior to this work, the best known bounds were $O(\sqrt{n \log n})$-discrepancy for any adversarial sequence of arrivals, or $O(\log\!\log n)$-discrepancy bounds for the stochastic arrivals when $G$ is the complete graph. The technical crux of our paper is in showing that the simple greedy algorithm, which has provably good discrepancy bounds when the arriving edges are drawn uniformly at random from the complete graph, also has polylog discrepancy when $G$ is an expander graph. We then combine this with known expander-decomposition results to design our overall algorithm.
online carpooling,expander decompositions
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