Towards Emergent Language Symbolic Semantic Segmentation and Model Interpretability

medical image computing and computer assisted intervention(2020)

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Recent advances in methods focused on the grounding problem have resulted in techniques that can be used to construct a symbolic language associated with a specific domain. Inspired by how humans communicate complex ideas through language, we developed a generalized Symbolic Semantic (S2) framework for interpretable segmentation. Unlike adversarial models (e.g., GANs), we explicitly model cooperation between two agents, a Sender and a Receiver, that must cooperate to achieve a common goal. The Sender receives information from a high layer of a segmentation network and generates a symbolic sentence derived from a categorical distribution. The Receiver obtains the symbolic sentences and cogenerates the segmentation mask. In order for the model to converge, the Sender and Receiver must learn to communicate using a private language. We apply our architecture to segment tumors in the TCGA dataset. A UNet-like architecture is used to generate input to the Sender network which produces a symbolic sentence, and a Receiver network cogenerates the segmentation mask based on the sentence. Our Sementation framework achieved similar or better performance compared with state-of-the-art segmentation methods. In addition, our results suggest direct interpretation of the symbolic sentences to discriminate between normal and tumor tissue, tumor morphology, and other image characteristics.
semantic segmentation,model interpretability,language
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