Exploring trade-off and synergy for improving irrigated rice-based farming systems in the Senegal River Valley


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Rice is the staple food for millions of people in Senegal. However, only about 40% of total rice consumption is satisfied through domestic production. The Senegalese government aims to increase rice production in the Senegal River Valley (SRV) through promotion of double rice cropping and reduction of yield gap with improved management practices. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the main drivers influencing irrigated rice-based farming systems, (2) characterize current farming systems functioning along with farmers’ strategies, and (3) investigate trade-offs and synergies between production, economic, social, and environmental performance indicators of irrigated rice-based farming systems. Farming systems functioning and their main drivers were qualitatively analyzed through data collected through interviews in the Delta and the middle valley of the SRV. The FarmDESIGN model was used to quantitatively evaluate farm performance indicators. We considered rice production, farm profit, leisure time, and N balance as production, economic, social, and environmental performance indicators.
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