Drinking Ozonated Tri-Distilled Water Increases Helicobacter Pylori Eradication and Promotes Healing of Duodenal Ulcer Lesions


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Objective: Ozone is a physical bactericide that has been applied to disinfect drinking water. The study aimed to determine whether ozonated tri-distilled water in combination with the standard esomeprazole-based triple therapy could increase helicobacter pylori (Hp) eradication and promote healing of duodenal ulcer lesions. Methods: In total, 132 patients were confirmed to be Hp infection positive using a Carbon 14 (14C) urea breath test, rapid urea enzyme test and pathological examination. The patients were subsequently divided into 4 groups with 33 patients per group. Groups 1 and 3 included the patients with chronic gastritis, whereas groups 2 and 4 included the patients with duodenal ulcers. The patients from groups 1 and 3 were administered standard esomeprazole-based triple therapy, including amoxicillin 1.0 two times per day, clarithromycin 0.5 two times per day, esomeprazole 20 mg one time per day, and hydrotalcite chewable tablets 1.0 three times per day. The patients from groups 2 and 4 drank ozonated tri-distilled water in combination with standard esomeprazole-based triple therapy: 300 ml ozonated tri-distilled water twice daily, amoxicillin 1.0 twice daily, clarithromycin 0.5 twice daily, esomeprazole 20 mg once daily, and hydrotalcite chewable tablets 1.0 thrice daily. The anti-Hp treatment period lasted 2 weeks, which was followed by esomeprazole and hydrotalcite for 4 weeks for all patient groups. Gastroscopy was performed for the patients in groups 3 and 4 after 4 weeks of antiHp therapy, and a 14C urea breath test was conducted for each patient after 4 weeks of drug withdrawal. Results: Gastroscopy indicated that 21 patients in group 3 with duodenal ulcers were in the healing stage, and 29 patients in group 4 were in the healing stage, with a significant difference between these two groups (p = 0.022). The 14C urea breath tests were negative for 26 patients with a 79% rate of Hp elimination in group 1. The rates of Hp elimination were 97% in group 2 (n = 32), 73% in group 3 (n = 24), and 94% in group 4 (n = 31). The chi-square test demonstrated a significant difference between groups 1 and 2 (p < 0.05) and between groups 3 and 4 (p < 0.05). The Hp eradication of drinking ozonated tri-distilled water in combination with standard esomeprazole-based triple therapy was significantly increased compared with the standard esomeprazole-based triple therapy Conclusion: Drinking ozonated tri-distilled water in combination with the standard treatment substantially enhances Hp eradication and promotes healing of duodenal ulcer lesions.
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