Quick exafs experiments using a new gda eclipse rcp gui with epics hardware control

R. J. Woolliscroft, C. Coles, M. Gerring,M. Pearson, Diamond Light


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The Generic Data Acquisition (GDA) framework [1] is an open source, Java and Eclipse RCP [2] based, data acquisition software framework for synchrotron and neutron facilities. A new implementation of the GDA on the B18 X-ray beamline at the Diamond synchrotron will be discussed. This beamline performs energy scanning Xray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) experiments. It includes a continuous-scan mode of the monochromator synchronised with various detectors for Quick EXAFS (QEXAFS) experiments. XAS energy scans may now be performed in 30s, where the equivalent step scans take approximately 40 minutes. A new generic perspective for the GDA client has been developed in which graphical editors are used to write XML files which hold experimental parameters. The XML files are marshalled by the GDA server to create Java beans used by Jython scripts which run on the GDA server. Underlying this, a new generic continuous scanning mechanism for the GDA has been developed. The new Eclipse RCP UI, the new continuous scanning mechanism, new hardware development and integration between the two systems shall be covered.
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