Co-infection with Avian ( H 7 N 9 ) and Pandemic ( H 1 N 1 ) 2009 Influenza Viruses , China


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pdf). The absence of correlation between the IgG statuses of mothers and children suggests that vertical transmission is probably not a major contributor to new infections, although it remains plausible that it may sometimes occur. Data from Europe that suggest an association between PARV4 infection and progression to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention B-syndromes in HIV-positive persons are problematic because of confounding high rates of HCV infection and injection drug use in the PARV4-positive group (8). We sought evidence for this effect in our cohort, in which rates of HCV infection and injection drug use were likely to be negligible. We found no evidence of a PARV4 serostatus effect on HIV RNA load or CD4+ T cells in children (p = 0.13, p = 0.68, respectively; online Technical Appendix Table 1) or adults (p = 0.15, p = 0.77, respectively; online Technical Appendix Table 2). We found an unexpected negative correlation between PARV4 IgG and HIV status in children (p = 0.05, Fisher exact test; online Technical Appendix Table 1). One possible explanation is that a detectable PARV4 IgG response is not mounted or maintained in the context of HIV infection; however, this theory is not supported by previous studies in which PARV4 IgG seems to be more prevalent in HIVinfected populations (5,8). Our analysis was limited by small numbers tested and the retrospective approach to sample testing. Demographic data were not recorded for this cohort, so we are unable to explore further possible social or demographic risk factors that might correlate with PARV4 infection. This study contributes to an evolving body of data suggesting that PARV4 is highly endemic to different settings across Africa. The unknown clinical effects and transmission routes of this virus remain pressing questions for future research.
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