Service Composition Algorithm : Student Assessment & Course Evaluation


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Service composition is a widely addressed subject that has enforced itself on businesses due to the interchanged and mixed interests among companies and institutions. Each business is in need of collaborating with other businesses, this requires the need for using multiple services and applications from different providers. From that the need for service composition has become necessary. Education is a field where service composition can solve many problems; such as providing an educator with the desired services even if they do not exist in the LMS ‘learning management system’. A new service can be composed based on existing services even if they reside in different locations and by different providers. In education for each given course a course Portfolio is an important component. For that we have chosen it to establish our proposed solution for service composition. This work defines the basics for several applications in service composition in general and in ELearning in particular. Future work includes a translator can be added to the current system to translate the user’s request from natural language also users could choose be provided with the search results and be able to pick the services he/she wants to compose. Key-Words: Web Service composition, policies, e-learning, course portfolio, student assessment, policy based orchestration.
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