Gait Generation and Optimization for Legged Robots

Joel D. Weingarten,Martin Buehler,Richard E. Groff


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This paper presents a general framework for representing and generating gaitsfor legged robots. We introduce a convenient parametrization of gait generators as dynamical systems possessing specified stable limit cycles over an appropriate torus. Inspired by biology, this parametrization affords a continuous selection of operation within a coordination design plane spanned by axes that determine the mix of ”feedforward/feedback” and centralized/decentralized” control. Applying optimization to the parameterized gait generation system allowed RHex, our robotic hexapod, to learn new gaits demonstrating significant performance increases. For example, RHex can now run at 2.4m/s (up from 0.8m/s), run with a specific resistance of 0.6 (down from 2.0), climb 45◦ inclines (up from 25◦), and traverse 35◦ inclines (up from 15◦). Disciplines Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering | Systems Engineering This conference paper is available at ScholarlyCommons: Gait Generation and Optimization for Legged Robots Joel D. Weingarten† Martin Buehler§ Richard E. Groff† Daniel E. Koditschek† †Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan §Center for Intelligent Machines, Ambulatory Robotics Laboratory, McGill University Abstract— This paper presents a general framework for representing and generating gaits for legged robots. We introduce a convenient parametrization of gait generators as dynamical systems possessing specified stable limit cycles over an appropriate torus. Inspired by biology, this parametrization affords a continuous selection of operation within a coordination design plane spanned by axes that determine the mix of ”feedforward/feedback” and centralized/decentralized” control. Applying optimization to the parameterized gait generation system allowed RHex, our robotic hexapod, to learn new gaits demonstrating significant performance increases. For example, RHex can now run at 2.4m/s (up from 0.8m/s), run with a specific resistance of 0.6 (down from 2.0), climb 45◦ inclines (up from 25◦), and traverse 35◦ inclines (up from 15◦). This paper presents a general framework for representing and generating gaits for legged robots. We introduce a convenient parametrization of gait generators as dynamical systems possessing specified stable limit cycles over an appropriate torus. Inspired by biology, this parametrization affords a continuous selection of operation within a coordination design plane spanned by axes that determine the mix of ”feedforward/feedback” and centralized/decentralized” control. Applying optimization to the parameterized gait generation system allowed RHex, our robotic hexapod, to learn new gaits demonstrating significant performance increases. For example, RHex can now run at 2.4m/s (up from 0.8m/s), run with a specific resistance of 0.6 (down from 2.0), climb 45◦ inclines (up from 25◦), and traverse 35◦ inclines (up from 15◦).
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