SDS-PAGE of Unknown Pr Protein Reveals 1, 4 Glucanase after Disease Development in Edible Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) sp

Upasana Sadhu, Tuhina Maity, Arpa Dutta,Arup Kumar Mitra


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This annual herbaceous legume is an excellent crop for farmers due to its tolerance for sandy soil and low rainfall. It requires very few inputs, as the plants root nodules are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, well-suited to intercropping with other crops. The whole plant is used as forage for animals, with its use as cattle feed likely responsible for its name. The crop is selected to identify the pathogenic microorganism causing the disease in the selected plant (Vignaunguiculata sesquipedalis), isolate the obtained pathogenic forms in their pure culture, determine the effect of interaction between the obtained pathogen, identify the PR (pathogenesis related) protein being produced by the infected fruit of the plant which is induced by the pathogenic microorganism. After isolation of the microorganism slide bioassay was done using fungicides Blitox and Bavastine to observe the change in growth and germination pattern of the pathogen. The molecular basis of plant–pathogen interactions remains an intensely active area of investigation. Stress related genes extensively used in biotechnology have been cited in this paper. Stress related proteins identified must be followed through for studying the molecular mechanism for plant defense against pathogens.
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